Endogenous vaccines Munich

Stem cell apheresis of producing endogenous vaccines

Stem cell apheresis of producing HSP

The vaccines support the natural killer cells (NK cells) in recognising their targets by individually specific endogenous tumour antigens of the respective patient. The immune response therefore is reinforced.

Endogenous vaccines

Endogenous vaccines are a target-specific stimulation of the immune system.
The method supports the immune system specifically in fighting tumours and metastases. It can be used in addition to immunotherapy, cryotherapy or laser vaporisation.

The natural killer cells (NK cells) of the immune system are responsible for removing tumour cells and tumour stem cells in the body, provided that they recognise their targets and are available at a sufficient amount. Vaccination supports the NK cells in recognition of their targets by individually-specific endogenous tumour antigens of the respective patient. The immune response is thereby reinforced.

Production of the vaccines.
The tumour stem cells circulating in a patient’s veins are needed to produce a vaccine. They are acquired by apheresis and isolated in the lab. The tumour stem cells are then exposed to extreme heat in order to destroy them. In this, they express cell-stabilising heat shock proteins/tumour antigens.

  • Heat-shock proteins support the immune defence in managing cellular stress situations.
  • Heat-shock proteins that we take from the destroyed tumour stem cells trigger a specific immune responsible for the tumour as an endogenous vaccine.

Why do tumour cells and tumour stem cells need to be removed?
Most cancers are caused and fed by uncontrollable tumour stem cells. It is not the differentiated tumour cells that are the most dangerous but the aggressive and invasive tumour stem cells that contain an unstable genome.

Tumour stem cells are cancer cells that have essential stem cell properties such as being able to renew themselves and differentiate to become different cells. Some tumour stem cells are enough for a continuous and numerous supply of tumour cells, which in turn are responsible for the growth of a tumour. Tumour stem cells are over-equipped with repair enzymes and membrane transporters. They are also disastrously mobile and can settle in tissues far from the primary tumour.

Targeting and destruction of the tumour stem cells is therefore the primary target of our cancer treatments.

Blood analysis

The amount and precision or our measurements of amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and pathogens in our Munich lab is unique.


Our concept combines conventional and alternative methods. Apheresis procedures are an important diagnostic and therapeutic component of our integrative medicine.


By multiplying the body's own killer cells we activate the immune system target specific. Among other things for the treatment of cancer and viral diseases.