Analysis of the vital substances for prevention
Determination of the concentration of micronutrients not only serves to prevent disease, but also to recognise it. Some deviations in the concentration of amino acids, electrolytes, trace elements and vitamins can be diagnosis-indicating and, for example, provide the indication to an autoimmune disease or cancer.
Minerals and amino acids should not be taken preventively as food supplements. You should have a blood analysis performed in advance to determine whether your body has any needs, and what these specific needs are. An oversupply may also cause harm. Persons suffering from cancer, for example, should not take in an excessive about of iron, since tumour cells have a larger amount of iron to use and administration of iron may even promote tumour growth.
Measurement of the vital substances should be a fixed part of annual check-ups.
Blood analysis
The amount and precision or our measurements of amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and pathogens in our Munich lab is unique.
Our concept combines conventional and alternative methods. Apheresis procedures are an important diagnostic and therapeutic component of our integrative medicine.
By multiplying the body's own killer cells we activate the immune system target specific. Among other things for the treatment of cancer and viral diseases.